Digital Made Easy

Direct, immediate access to even hard-to-reach communities and real-time, measurable results through the Viamo Platform. Open up conversations with millions eager to connect and learn.

Explore Our PlatformFree Consultation

Globally, nearly 3 billion people are digitally disconnected, about one third of the world’s population.

Entire communities are unrepresented and without critical, timely information. But these communities do have simple mobile phones and a desire to connect to the world.

Viamo’s platform provides the connection to spark life-changing information exchanges, offering services for International Development and Business sectors.

Our Services

We use mobile technology to create scalable campaigns with immediate feedback

The Viamo Platform

Expand your digital reach and impact with the Viamo Platform.

Reach millions globally with life-changing information, products, and services. From digital campaigns to interactive trainings, all our services integrate seamlessly into the Viamo Platform

Digital Training

Design and deploy a customized mobile training curriculum

Using voice-powered technology, we deliver your training to educate and upskill your distributed workforce.

Digital Campaigns

Deliver valuable information via mobile

Viamo’s digital campaigns open a dialogue between organizations, governments and programs and the people they work with through important public service messaging and behavior change communications.

Digital Surveys

Gain insights from digitally disconnected communities

Our advanced mobile survey features allow you to bypass the cost and coordination of door-to-door survey collection.

Digital Marketing

Elevate brands and connect with new markets via mobile.

Viamo’s demand generation tool helps brands to penetrate untapped or underserved markets, specifically the 60% of people in emerging markets that can’t be reached through internet-based marketing tools.

How we Work

How our projects are built to succeed

By taking the Human-Centred Design approach, we tailor solutions in each project on the ground. Strategically collaborating with local partners, we can guarantee the highest reliability on a large scale.



We’re already engaging with the people you need.

No one likes to talk to telecom companies. It’s our specialty. We’ve already negotiated advantageous terms and fully integrated with major telecom companies in your country.



We’re your neighbors.

Viamo’s network of 40 offices worldwide means we’re likely just a taxi ride away from you. Viamo has the local context to make your engagement successful. We tailor your content and audio messages in local languages, ensuring people with limited literacy have access.


Access to the Community

We take care of your digital campaign, from strategy to implementation.

You’re an expert at what you do. So are we. Our combined expertise through co-creation will help you choose the right Viamo service and ensure your project gains the most impact to achieve your goals. Our in-house strategists have created customized content including digital surveys, trainings and campaigns. And our metrics prove we’re good at it!


Content Co-Creation

We’ll help you reach new, underserved target audiences.

No more need for door-to-door outreach or untargeted campaigns. Viamo reached 35 million people in one year alone who engaged with our services. Our platform and services can reach nearly one billion consumers, with market research panels in about 20 low- to mid-income countries. We are in the 20 biggest markets in Africa and Asia.


Technical Deployment

Audiences don’t need any new tech.

Viamo’s diverse and unique set of services work with basic/feature mobile phones and do not require new devices or apps. Our users access our platform using the mobile phone already in their pocket. This makes our services easy to use for both you and your audience.

Our partners include

Viamo technology has changed the way we do things. They’ve improved the voice service we have been using which had limitations and lots of technical problems. Using Viamo, we can create surveys and use them easily in programs. They have simplified the way we are working. Our content is much more interactive now.

Kassim SheghembeFarm Radio, Tanzania

Before we partnered with Viamo, we were seeking innovative, but practical solutions for information sharing across Ghana. We considered a few digital communication options and were excited to learn about their SMS and Interactive Voice Response services that could be adapted to the country context. Overall, Viamo has provided an outstanding quality of service that has allowed us to share information in hard-to-reach communities.

Dr Anastasiia NurzhynskaUNICEF, Ghana

Viamo has enabled us to combine quality with scale across our portfolio. Whether sending out timely alerts during hurricane season, hosting messages to demystify COVID-19 vaccines, or providing interactive content for nutrition behavior change, we know that when we work with Viamo, their human-centered design processes will support us to create, iterate and share compelling content with our program participants.

Cara BuckMercy Corps, Haiti

Using random digit dialing with Viamo enabled us to randomly sample thousands of crisis-affected people in Haiti and Afghanistan, who would otherwise have been difficult to reach due to security issues and remoteness. The interactive voice response helped us to reach our sampling targets and mitigate biases that phone surveys can introduce.

Rieke VingerlingGround Truth Solutions, Haiti

Unlock impact with Viamo today!

Getting started with your digital strategy has never been easier.

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