Digital Campaigns

Exchange information with the people who matter to you most.

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Our Service

Digital Campaigns open a dialogue between organizations, governments, programs and the people they serve through the power of simple mobile phones. Together we can take your impact to the next level by integrating your campaigns on the Viamo Platform, amplifying your message to 25 million people in 25 countries.

Viamo’s Digital Campaigns are perfect for…

  • Using the Viamo Platform to distribute your messages nationwide.
  • Easily sharing information with any community, including sending reminder messages for upcoming events or appointments.
  • Gathering timely information from remote communities, such as setting up a 24/7 toll-free number for midwives to report new births or for farmers to inquire about crop prices before market day.
  • Creating an open dialogue between communities and authorities, offering safe, secure, and reliable feedback mechanisms for complaints or incident reports.
  • Gaining instant insights on your content through our interactive dashboards.

Digital Campaigns·

Digital Campaigns·

Digital Campaigns·

Digital Campaigns·

Digital Campaigns·

Audio Sample

Listen to the sample audio we delivered

In Cameroon and Chad, UNHCR launched an infoline dedicated to fraud prevention.

The IOM delivered this communications campaign providing awareness on safe cross-border trading during COVID-19 to traders in Malawi.

How it works

Launch your campaign today anywhere, anytime, on any mobile phone.


Co-Create and Optimize Campaign

Together we create a tailored campaign and content tailored to your needs. With experience from hundreds of campaigns, we ensure the highest engagement using our insights.

Test and Iterate

Continuously refine your campaign based on participant engagement, identifying and addressing drop-offs to optimize performance.

Analyzing Insights

View and share the results of your campaign in real-time through Viamo’s interactive dashboards, gaining valuable insights with real-world impact.
Our Achievement

Our Global Reach


What our partners say

“The 3-2-1 service’s use of interactive voice response technology enables the INGC to better communicate with citizens in these remote areas where the internet is scarce and literacy is low.”

Storm Warning, Mozambique

“What has suddenly got 100 times cheaper and 10 times faster? Working with Viamo, they reduced the cost of surveying citizens by more than 95%.”

Citizen feedback, Nigeria

“The use of voice messaging is particularly promising as it is able to reach populations with low level literacy.”

3-2-1 innovation, worldwide

Unlock impact with Viamo today!

Getting started with your digital strategy has never been easier.

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